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Football coaches from history that are worth remembering

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Football coaches from history that are worth remembering

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Football coaches from history that are worth remembering

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Football coaches from history that are worth remembering

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Football coaches from history that are worth remembering


Football is a very popular and competitive sport. In order for the soccer team to win, the players need a professional training. It is also important to choose the correct sportsmen for the club and carefully select their formation. Once the team is assembled, a strategy must be formulated and the players must receive correct instruction. Looking for young, talented footballers and training the selection is another important task. Should a soccer team need new athletes, it becomes paramount to buy the players in the transfer market. These important tasks are performed by a football coach. The manager of a team, as the profession is known in the UK, is responsible for running the club and selecting the right champions. The coach is responsible for formulating the correct strategy and picking the right tactics before a match. Just like businesses have CEOs and directors, football clubs have managers.

Football coaches from history that are worth remembering
Legendary football coaches

A good football coach will be patient, understanding that players learn and develop at different rates. The club manager should also be a good leader, taking personal responsibility for the team’s performance. Should events unfold not as planned, a great coach will lead squarely by example. Being able to communicate with the athletes well is another important characteristic of a great manager. Improving player morale and creating a positive mood in the team are all important attributes for a leader. And finally, a coach should be passionate both about the coming matches and the club under management. Depending on how a soccer team is managed, the sportsmen can either make it to the top leagues or fail miserably. In the former case, the best sports betting sites will offer great gambles on each player, in the latter the club will simply be forgotten. Therefore it is important to make a historical review of the greatest coaches. Here is a list of five greatest football managers of all time.

A list of five amazing football coaches from history

  • The coach Pep Guardiola proved himself to be extremely talented when the Catalonian led Barcelona to triple its score in the games. Even if in 2008 the manager was relatively inexperienced, the performance of the coach was astounding. Many athletes in the Spanish club succeeded, particularly with Pep’s tika-tika gaming style. Barcelona managed to greatly increase its rank, with the Argentina player Lionel Messi rising to prominence. The Catalonian club had managed to obtain 14 trophies under Pep’s leadership. These included two La Giga and Champions League trophies. The coach, later on, managed the Bayern Munich and Manchester City teams, with the two performing spectacularly well in the matches.
  • Another great football manager is Vicente Del Bosque. The Spanish coach is currently 69 years old. In the beginning, the Spaniard was an athlete playing for Real Madrid. After a ten year break, Vicente returned to the club as a manager. In 1994 the Spaniard took management of Real into his hands, leading to instant victories by the team. Due to Vicente’s leadership, the club had won seven trophies. After the manager left, in 2003, Real’s performance fell sharply. Vicente then took control of Spain’s national team, leading it to a string of successes.
  • Sir Matt Busby is definitely a reputable soccer manager, having built three great teams. Despite his Scottish ancestry, the coach took control of Manchester United in 1945. Matt had managed the soccer club until 1971, with a brief intermission. The manager trained the notorious Busby Babes group of players. These footballers were young, promising and a great product of the United soccer club. Unfortunately, eight of the athletes had died in an air crash. But the football club was able to recuperate from the loss, winning the European Cup a decade later. Matt was the first coach of the English football team to win the European cup. Thus many believed him to be one of the best managers in the sport’s history. Overall, Matt has been with the United club for 25 years and successfully won 25 prizes. A stellar record.
  • Arsene Wenger showed himself to be a great soccer coach. Coming from France, Arsene managed the Arsenal football club. The Frenchman led the previously unsuccessful team to become the leader in England. In the 2003/04 season, Arsenal was filled with famous players, such as Dennis Bergkamp and Thierry Henry. The English club then had an absolutely stellar performance, coming on top for the first time in a hundred years. Although some critics have accused Arsene of lacking intuition, the manager had achieved astounding victories in 13 tournaments. Further, the Frenchman was also selected as the World Manager of the Year in 1998.
  • Sir Alex Ferguson is one of the best managers in history. Coming from Scotland, the coach supervised Manchester United for 27 years, beginning in 1986. Critics say that Alex had managed to surpass the infamous Sir Matt Busby as Manchester’s greatest manager. Prior to joining the club, the coach led the Aberdeen club to a string of victories. The Scottish club even managed to achieve a victory over Real Madrid in Europe. Upon joining Manchester United, Alex said that he wanted to remove Liverpool from their high position in the sport. The coach more than succeeded, winning an astounding 29 prizes for the English club. The Scotsman had received extremely positive acclaim, being named 8 times as English Manager of the Year. The name Alex Ferguson will thus be embedded in soccer’s rich history.


Having great players in the club takes the team only half-way to success. To make the game truly interesting and amazing, to win the major championships, a football team needs a good coach. A great manager can turn the tide of the game, greatly altering the team’s record. A losing club can be completely turned around by a great coach. Should a soccer team be losing championships, a new manager might be necessary. And it is not just the improvement in the team’s performance, managing the club correctly can make the games played be remembered many decades later. The list presented above shows some great football coaches of all time. Manchester United has been lucky to have had two great managers supervise the team’s athletes.